Monday, June 30, 2008

About the Family

After seeing other blogs; it seemed much easier than trying to keep up with MySpace, which if you know me and are a friend on ours, than you know I am not too good at that ... so ... This is for everyone who says . . . "I don't have any pictures" "Why don't you keep MySpace updated" "ETC". This seems much easier and hopefully I can keep up with it. I will make myself a note to check and update it once a week.

So, here is what is going on in our lifes:

In August of last year, we had another beautiful baby boy, Judah Ellison, and went back to the church we were at 3 years ago. Why you may ask (about the church, not the baby haha) It was all about God and not ourselves. A job opened that both our current pastor and pastor of our old church felt was for Michael, so we prayed and sought God. And God said go, so we did and it has been wonderful ever since. Wonderful to make great connections again with people who we missed, and wonderful to see God move in our lives and make us feel like family to our church quicker than we ever thought possible. We do however love and miss our church family at COTRBC but we know that God has a plan and He will succeed...and we of course did not want to go against God and be in the way of that plan. It is definitely GREAT to hear what God is doing at COTRBC and we are so excited for you guys!

Right now for the summer, I am currently doing graphics on the side for various churches and companies and of course staying home with my kiddos. "Dream job, I know" Solomon will be 3 in November and Judah will be 1 in August..."I know I can 't believe it either and I see them each minute of the day. Solomon is my nonstop talker...he is a Lynd (haha) and Judah, well he is my mommy's boy. Both the boys are in love with each other. They play together great and always love on each other, with the occassional "that's mine" coming from the bedroom. They are great kids though...the proof that prayer really does work!

Well, that's all for now, I am sure if you have made it this far that you are tired of reading, so more updates and fun stuff to come. Blessings to all and Remember that God is always working behind the scenes to make a way to bless you, just position yourself for it.

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